The Toronto Railway Historical Assoc. will be working with a film crew at the site of the John Street Roundhouse where they are erecting a structure for the production of 'The Railway Children'. This production is to run from May to late fall. In late March British steam locomotive Former LSWR T3 4-4-0 number 563 which will be used in the production arrived in Halifax from England, and is being  transported by rail to Toronto.  The original British film “The Railway Children” is from the early 1970’s.  More info on the stage production can be found at this web site.


The following special activities will be offered every weekend in March.

Rotary snow plow - Visitors can climb aboard the Rotary snow plow and learn how this machine cleared the tracks. Built by the Montreal Locomotive works, this snow plow
was used by the Canadian National between 1930 and 1960. Guided tour
presented during week ends at 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.
Railroad jobs - Children and their parent learn about the people who make trains work. With a Museum guide, they discover the brakeman's duties like building and taking
apart trains or couple cars. Equipped with gloves, they can participate in the inspection of a freight car truck like a carman. They play the trackman and build a section of railroad. They can also imagine themselves at the controls in the streetcar, like the motorman. Presented during the week ends only at 10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.

Special delivery / Mail Express - Explore the daily postal service routine aboard a railway mail car by taking part in the "Special Delivery, a brief history of the mail car" activity. Discover the demanding job done by traveling postal clerks. Share the
experience with your loved ones by writing them an Exporail postcard that you can mail.  Bring your address book and set aside your keyboard for a pen! Presented during the week ends at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Chinese Legacies - Building the Canadian Pacific Railway in British Columbia. Produced by the Revelstoke Railway Museum, the exhibit is presented from January 15 to May 29, 2011. This exhibition explores the fascinating story of the Chinese labourers who contributed to the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway between Port Moody and Craigellachie. This presentation of their travel to British Columbia, their living and working conditions and the contribution they made to the construction of the railway has been visited by thousands in British Columbia over the last two and a half years.

April Schedule

Winter hours, Exporail is open Saturday and Sunday only from 10:00 – 17:00. 

 Canadian Rail, March - April Issue

The March April issue of Canadian Rail will feature The CPR’s Ottawa Valley transcontinental main line 1978 – 2011 and the Disaster at Almonte.

Canadian Rail is available at most local hobby shops, at the Exporail Boutique, and is mailed to members of the CRHA.


Contact William Baird:

If you are a member of a Museum, Tourist Railway, or Historical Group and have news and photos you would like to post in our CANADIAN RAILWAY HISTORY column, you may contact the Editor.  The information must be approved and authorized to post, and be pertinent and of interest to our readers. All posts must follow our  CRO Submission Guidelines, located on our home page.


© CRO April 2011